This is a new Data Studio dashboard (no confidential data is used to create this) that displays the enrollment metrics for a school district. This is built with just four columns of data from the school's SIS. We do a daily download of the data to keep it up-to-date:

      • School
      • Grade
      • Race
      • Gender

The enrollment statistics are generated from the single data sheet that is auto-updated from the SIS. These are live charts that allow you to mouse-over to see the data pop out. As the data is updated each night, these charts and graphs are automatically updated in real time. In addition, any chart that is generated in the spreadsheet can be live embedded in a google doc, site, or slide. This means that if, at the beginning of the year, you create a slide deck with these metrics, the information is up-to-date throughout the year as you make presentations to your staff, your board, or the public.